Anthony’s Journey Towards a Deeper Understanding of Patents

Wondering about how to best approach the patent process?  I recently interviewed Anthony Chan – CEO & Co-Founder of Venturi from Edmonton, Alberta – all about his experience and approach to the patent process.  Read below to find out what he learned throughout the process and how he would advise startup founders at the beginning of their IP protection journey.

Trevor: Where was your business, from an IP perspective, before we started working together?


At the very beginning of everything, we weren’t sure if we needed a patent at all. I knew that getting a patent was very expensive. And this is a software patent, and I’ve heard a lot of people say “software is really hard to patent”, [so we figured] maybe we should take a look at this first – before spending all this money and trying to find a lawyer which may not understand the technology as much as someone who is probably in the trade already.  

That was one of the key points, as I think the lawyers are really good at the legalese and the legal aspects of the patent but they might not know too much about technology itself, if it is patentable, or what we can do to extract more value out of it. So, I thought that it was very important to engage someone like yourself to really understand and articulate that. And to formulate a strategy so that we can set ourselves up for success for when we are ready to file.  So that was super super important.

Trevor: What led you to decide to work with The IP Link?


First and foremost, I liked the fact that you have a technical background.  You’re not just a lawyer but you’ve worked in the startup space before, having previously worked at TEC Edmonton. Being connected with various companies you understand their ecosystem and the environment really well, and you have seen what was done before and that experience definitely lends itself to helping a startup like ourselves in software engineering technology. That was a huge factor in my decision. And you have some really good reviews from past clients, and I trusted my gut. I think it was very successful.

Trevor: How did your understanding of the patent process change over the course of working with the IP link?


Initially, when I approached patents, it was about protecting IP because I don’t want anyone else to steal from it or duplicate it. Trying to find a safe way for us to protect ourselves is critical because we’re fairly small, and we’re up against some of the big boys here and larger companies who have a lot of corporate might behind them.

Trying to understand and get protection was key.  After going through the modules and when you helped us break down why exactly we were actually filing, there were certain aspects that we didn’t consider, like if you have a patent filing that could increase the chance of closing a deal by a certain percentage and how much the deal was worth. Trying to get down into that level and understanding as to where exactly the value of the patent lies. Also the cost of maintaining these patents is something to consider because it’s not just a one-time cost, you file and that’s it.  There are also other aspects of it where you could be filing in other countries.  How many countries?  Which countries? And the list goes on.  You have to look at it as a capital investment, a total lifetime cost of that patent and what it means to the business. Is it worth pursuing and spending this money upfront and even in the future to maintain it?  Also, when are you going to extract the value out of it?  Is it now or later?  [You need to] make that decision and do those calculations.  That made a lot of sense.

Trevor: Overall, how was the program and working with The IP Link?


I thought it was a really good experience, the modules that we went through were very relevant.  I thought the level of engagement was pretty good too, it wasn’t too much or too little.  I think we were just spot on.  We kind of found a cadence to really set us up for success and I think that really worked well too.

I also like the fact that at the end while we were working on the patent draft, we had a chance to circle back to the beginning because it was a good reminder of what we did talk about [in the first module of the program].  That has been really beneficial to us.

Trevor: What would you say to a startup founder or someone like yourself who’s still right at the beginning trying to decide whether or not to even pursue patent protection?


Seek as much information as possible and don’t be afraid to ask around, especially from professionals like yourself [The IP Link].  Reach out and understand really for yourself.  Sometimes, it’s hard to ask questions when we don’t know, but I felt like you were kind of like that bridge. There are a lot of things that we don’t know that are in the legal world, right?  But we know about the technology.  

We have the domain expertise in engineering but we have no clue when it comes to who is a great lawyer for this particular type of patent, what’s their experience [for example]. Trying to decrease the amount of time spent in doing that is value in itself because you [The IP Link] already know who your preferred vendors are, who are the great folks in the local economy and industry.   I think for a founder, saving time and also getting knowledge at the same time is a win – a double whammy.

Trevor: How has your business progressed in parallel with the patent work?


The technology is developed and proceeding well, we’re working with [an initial customer] now, so it’s official.  Also, they’re talking about testing this technology on [a broader set of applications].  We secured funding too, I was looking back at the funding this year, and it was about $450,000 of funding, the majority of it on this project.  

With your help, we were able to get there.  We were talking with our client and [they asked], “Oh are you guys trying to file a patent?” [We said], “Yes, we are filing a patent.”  And with the government, [when they asked] “How are you guys protecting your IP?”, [we were able to say], “We’re working with Trevor and with [our patent lawyer], so we’re going to file that pretty soon”.  And all that contributes to gaining funding and investor confidence as well.  It was a lot of work, but I’m glad we did it.

Thanks again for the help, it’s been amazing.

If you’re in a similar situation as Anthony was at the beginning of his journey, let’s hop on a call and see if we can pull together the beginnings of a proper IP strategy!

Vaccinate Your Business Against Your Competition with a Patent 🦠

Moderna polynucleotide primary mRNA construct

I got my second vaccine dose this week and ended up getting pretty sick for a day or so. As I was laying in bed recovering (wondering how I would get around to writing my weekly patent post), it crossed my mind that the vaccine is actually a great analogy for patent protection.

It takes time to book an appointment, go to the pharmacy, and get your shot. And there is the cost associated with the fact that you may react with various symptoms that could last a day or two.

It also takes time and effort to prepare for a good patent application, and it is going to cost a fair bit initially to complete the preparation, draft, and file the application.

The vaccine protects you against COVID-19 and the patent protects you against your competition!

On the other hand, if you don’t get the vaccine, you could be facing a far more serious situation. There is a significant risk of getting COVID-19, and potentially even dying from it.

Similarly for innovative businesses that depend on their technology for their competitive advantage, if you don’t get a patent application it could cause serious issues. Your competition may create a similar product and run you out of the market, or even put you out of business.

If your business is innovative, get your vaccine against your competition by pursuing a patent!

PS: If you’re wondering about the image, it’s a polynucleotide primary mRNA construct from one of Moderna’s patents related to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Worried About Wasting Your Funding on Legal Costs? 💸

Patents can be very valuable to a business (for certain businesses or in certain cases, they are absolutely necessary for success), but they can also be a complete waste of A LOT of money.

The only way to make sure you aren’t wasting your money on patent protection is by getting the help you need to understand how patents work from a business perspective (not just a legal perspective). How will a patent impact your business, positively and negatively? What products or aspects of your products should your business file a patent on specifically?

Once you understand the business side of patents and how they might fit in with your specific technology and plan, you will be in a far better position to make the right decisions and to optimize your investment into patent protection.

If you’re considering a patent, make the most out of your effort and budget by learning and preparing before going to a lawyer.

If you need help with this, we have a program with over 5 hours of training videos (among many other materials) and I’m prepared to personally coach you through every step of the way. Just get in touch!

Would an Investor Fund Your Business? 💰

“When somebody comes to me and says I want to invest in your company, the two questions that always come up are, ‘let’s see your financials’, and ‘what kind of patent do you have.‘ It comes up every time.”

A client, who is currently looking for investment, said this to me in a recent call.

Investors want to know how you will prevent competitors from taking over your industry once you prove the market. Having a strategic patent application will help you answer that question and will show investors that you are a running credible business and that you are committed to investing the time and money necessary to achieve success. This will certainly increase your chances of getting investment.

In certain cases, this increased chance of getting investment may be reason enough to pursue the illustrious patent-pending status.

Take the next step towards securing an investment by moving forward with patent protection. Book a call now to ask all your patent questions:

Also, let me know in the comments if you’ve had “the patent question” from an investor or, if you are an investor, is this one of your standard questions?

Not All Businesses Need a Patent, But Most Should Consider it Carefully

It does not make sense for all businesses to file a patent application.

This decision depends on your industry, investment, revenue, aspirations, business model, product, price point, and many other factors.

For many businesses, it’s relatively easy to determine that they don’t need to spend time or money filing a patent. For others, it’s clear that they do need a patent. The vast majority of businesses, however, are in the middle. For these businesses, determining whether or not they need a patent requires a concerted effort to review the opportunity, risks, and costs and to develop an approach and strategy.

The IP Link’s Product Protection Playbook program helps business founders evaluate patents and gain clarity on where they fit in this spectrum. The results of this work may reveal that patents don’t make sense. On the other hand, it may show that they are a great opportunity!

If you think you might be missing out on an opportunity to level up your business, watch my patent training webinar which includes a discussion of potential risks, costs, and benefits of a patent (link in the comments).

#business #strategy #intellectualproperty #patents #patentstrategy #innovation #founders

How will you use your patent?

Let’s say you decide to file a patent for $8,000 – $12,000, then within the subsequent year, you pay another $10,000 to maintain it.

What will you do with your patent application? How will it benefit your business? Will it bring more value than you paid?

As business strategy questions, not legal questions, these are not questions your patent lawyer will likely help you with.

You need to be the expert.

You need a deep enough understanding of the patent process to be able to determine how you will use your patent after your lawyer submits your application for you.

If you plan for this BEFORE drafting and filing your application, it will greatly improve your ability to use your patent effectively. Also, the prep work will help you work with your lawyer more efficiently, may bring the legal fees down, and will result in a far better patent application.

If you’re considering filing a patent application within the next few months, make sure to become an expert on how your patent will impact your business and do the right kind of preparation well in advance by joining The IP Link’s new Product Protection Playbook™️ program.

Also, let me know in the comments below if you have filed a patent in the past, what benefit did it bring to your business? If you haven’t yet, do you have a plan for your patent once it’s filed?

#intellectualproperty #preparation #help #strategy #business #patent #patents