How will you use your patent?

Let’s say you decide to file a patent for $8,000 – $12,000, then within the subsequent year, you pay another $10,000 to maintain it.

What will you do with your patent application? How will it benefit your business? Will it bring more value than you paid?

As business strategy questions, not legal questions, these are not questions your patent lawyer will likely help you with.

You need to be the expert.

You need a deep enough understanding of the patent process to be able to determine how you will use your patent after your lawyer submits your application for you.

If you plan for this BEFORE drafting and filing your application, it will greatly improve your ability to use your patent effectively. Also, the prep work will help you work with your lawyer more efficiently, may bring the legal fees down, and will result in a far better patent application.

If you’re considering filing a patent application within the next few months, make sure to become an expert on how your patent will impact your business and do the right kind of preparation well in advance by joining The IP Link’s new Product Protection Playbook™️ program.

Also, let me know in the comments below if you have filed a patent in the past, what benefit did it bring to your business? If you haven’t yet, do you have a plan for your patent once it’s filed?

#intellectualproperty #preparation #help #strategy #business #patent #patents

Focus on the near-term benefits of patents, not enforcement

Enforcement is the process where you start sending cease-and-desist letters and even suing infringers for manufacturing or selling products that overlap with your patent.  

Worried about having to enforce your patent once you file?

You might be worrying about problems you won’t have for many years, if ever. Instead, focus on the near-term benefits of filing a patent application! Watch the video below and let me know your thoughts by commenting on this post!

Engaging With a Patent Lawyer

When filing a patent application, it’s important to have a high-quality legal professional working with you when the time comes. Potentially even more important than this, you need to be well prepared FIRST.

Through The IP Link’s new program we help founders, entrepreneurs, and innovators who may be intimidated by the prospect of paying for and working with a patent lawyer find and engage with the right person.

We give clients access to our email templates and lists of recommendations, ensure they know what questions to ask and what instructions to give (and how to articulate them), and let them know in advance what information the lawyers will need so that it is ready to go. This saves time, results in a better patent, and in many cases keeps costs more manageable.

Preparing in this way and taking this approach ultimately enables our clients to stay in charge of the process and costs, directing their lawyer to work for them on their timeline.  

Just last week I was helping a client through this process with a new lawyer (that I hadn’t worked with before) and the lawyers were pleasantly surprised at how well prepared my client was to move forward with the patent application. So much so that they agreed the introductory call was not needed, and they were able to provide a far lower quote for drafting and filing the patent!

If this sounds like a better way to work with a lawyer to you, I would love to discuss it in more depth! Book a call here:

For more info on how we help, watch this video:

PS To my lawyer friends: if you wish your clients came to you a bit more prepared, we should also talk!

#patent #patents #attorney #lawyer #founder #startups #entrepreneurs #innovation #intellectualproperty #legal #help #lawyers #attorneys #law